Snow Day! Although I braved the cold to take some nice photos this morning, I have been inside since then. Snow days are so good for tromping around in those bulky down jackets, warm boots with the fur around the top and silly looking hats that are just too warm to leave in the drawer. Snow dampens the sounds on the highway and quiets the world in a peaceful way. My husband and I took a walk around the downtown area here so that I could again shoot pictures of the great old Chesapeake Skipjack temporarily docked here, by our river front museum and the historic old bridge. Houses and churches, covered with snow and untouched by previous footsteps motivate me to record the beauty that God has dumped on the southern half of the East Coast today! Well now I am indoors enjoying the warmth. Since I am leaving on another far away job assignment soon, I have to finish some undone projects and put them somewhere, preferably in storage with other blankets to be delivered. I thought of the mission of Project Linus and the warmth and comfort of our blankets.
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